Mass Times
Sts Peter & Paul Church, Borrisokane

Saturday at 7pm
Sunday at 10:30am, except for the first Sunday of each month when it will be Aglish
Weekday Masses Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am

St Michael the Archangel, Aglish
Sunday at 10:30am, only on the first Sunday of each month

St Ruadhan’s, Lorrha

Saturday at 6:30pm, 2nd, 4th and 5th (where applicable) Saturday of the month
Holy Redeemer, Redwood

Saturday at 6:30pm, 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Our Lady Queen of Ireland, Rathcabbin
Sunday at 11:30am
Terryglass and Kilbarron

Sunday Masses
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Terryglass:
Sunday 9:30 Summer (Saturday 8pm Winter)
Weekday Masses Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9am
Kilbarron Saturday 8pm in Summer and Sunday at 9:30am in winter