Pastoral Council
What is a Pastoral Council?
A Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative body of the faithful, representative of the whole parish community, willing to work in close partnership with the priest(s) of the parish to further the mission of Christ and his Church. The PPC shares the responsibility for building the parish into a vibrant Christian community that promotes the Gospel values of love, justice and peace. Promoting the prayer life and faith life of the parish.

What are the key areas of concern for a Pastoral Council?
Liturgy: Promoting weekly Eucharist that connects with people and organising regular Family Masses, Cemetery Mass and ensuring that Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and more recently Stewarding is in place where needed.
We also have in place an excellent Lay Liturgy group should a Priest become ill suddenly and this service is available when a priest is on holidays or on a day off.
Ongoing skills training and formation for those on the PPC and others in the parish.
Care of people – the poor, elderly, youth, disabled, those who live alone, etc. At least one member of the PPC should be responsible for youth ministry in the parish and be in regular contact with the Diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Reaching out to newcomers in the parish. Care of the sick, those in hospital, and the dying. We need to keep in mind that every parish by its nature now like the universal church is by its nature missionary.