
Congratulations on your new baby
Congratulations on the birth of your child! The Parish Community shares in your joy.
To arrange a date for Baptism, please call us on:
067 27105 or text 087-7460444
Baptism is the beginning of the journey in becoming a Christian or a member of the catholic church.
Some of the rich symbolism that ritualizes this even where Christ is present is outlined here.
Symbolism of Baptism
Sign of the Cross
The sign of the cross is the mark of Christians because Jesus Christ died on the cross for love of your and me.
“Water is a sign” of the Spirit of Love flowing from the Father and son and embracing us. We are baptized into God’s love in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Oil of Chrism is a reminder that we serve God in serving the needs of others. The oils are blessed by the bishop around the time of Holy Thursday.
White Garment
The Christening shawl is often passed on from generation to generation and is a sign of a new way of life. This garment is also a sign of human dignity and of being clothed with Christ in Baptism.

(Photo from a Christening in Rathcabbin during Covid 19 in 2021)
The Bible
The Bible is the Word of God and part of every Sacrament now. It is important that the Bible and the reading of Scripture is treasured source of inspiration for every family. Scripture readings are picked by yourselves and read by yourselves at the Ceremony.